Another day in Sheol

The journal of the Grim Reaper, aka Death.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A nice day topside

Maybe the shrink was right about this online-journaling thing. I started surfing online and had a chat with Twisted Noggin of Greymattermeltingpot. Turns out, we go way back (by human standards, anyway). I picked up her mom, all 4 grandparents, a bunch of aunts, uncles, friends, etc… I remember some of them. She sure surrounds herself with an eccentric bunch of wackos. Some of them are hilarious, though. Most of them I had to pick up on #3 orders (cancer, that is), so some of them were relieved to go. That Dawn chick kicked me straight in the balls, though, after all the pain I saved her from. She was feisty. She never whined about only being in her 30’s but she was not about to leave her kids and husband behind without a fight. I must admit, I admired her. I still meet up with her now and then for Coronas and pop-rocks.

Anyway, Twisted doesn’t seem to hold too big a grudge. She knows it wasn’t my choice who went or when, but she misses them a lot. We had a great chat. I bought her a few Guinness at the local pub so we could talk face-to-skull. She said that the whole new-look thing wasn’t necessarily a bad idea, but not to try and be someone I’m not. She said to try something that embraced who I was, even the things I was insecure about. Apparently, she was horribly embarrassed about being so tall when she was younger. She started wearing super-tall boots and just going with it. Now, she gets a kick out of the whole Amazon-thing. So, I tried to go with the whole tough-spooky image. I got some cool spike jewelry and pierced my jaw. It looks pretty wild and didn’t even hurt. I got a new cloak that really flows cool behind me. I look like Darth Vader or something. I don’t know… it may not get me a Mrs Reaper, but a little confidence never hurts.

Peace out,
The real Grim Shady


Blogger Dædalux said...

Hey - you gotta love what you do. And little pride in your work goes a long way.
I always figured any job, no matter how awful, is doable as long as you work with good people. And even the best of jobs suck if you have to work with people you can’t get along with.
I guess if you work alone then you just have to be able to like yourself. Sounds simple, but it’s important.
Still I always wondered if the job of death isn't overly bureaucratic – I mean, do you ever have mid-level managers complaining about quotas and what not? Is there a lot of paperwork involved? Just curious.

11:16 PM  

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