Another day in Sheol

The journal of the Grim Reaper, aka Death.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Women are Nuts

It's only been a couple days but I haven't had a single nibble on my personal add. I surfed around online some more but haven't met anyone who'd respond. Then, I saw this add for a Free Women's Clinic. I had to check that out. I didn't waste any time. I just threw on my best cloak, shined my sythe, and grabbed my binaca. I got there and was impressed. There was a mob of people outside the place and some of the chicks were really hot. They saw me and seemed really excited. They start cheering me and stuff. They kept saying something about the statement I was making. I didn't know what that meant, but like I said, some of the chicks in the group were really hot, so I played along. I wasn't sure what 'statement' I was supposed to be making.

I finally made my way through the crowd and I figured out what was going on. They weren't offering free women. It was a women's health clinic, dammit. The mob was just a pro-life demonstration. I found that kinda funny, being death, but I have to admit I don't really like abortion either. These kids haven't even been born yet, have no names for filing under or anything, and we have to process the death papers before we even have them on file. It's a nightmare in the order processing division and confusing for me. Fetus' all look alike and don't have names or anything. It's just frickin chaos trying to tell who is who.

This really hot red-head came up to me all angry, thinking I was part of the mob. She said that a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her body. Being death, I don't really care who gets it when. I feel bad for the folks topside who lose loved ones, really I do, but the more people I take to my side the more company I have. Still, being a stickler for phrasing I had to be overly literal again. I said "And a lovely body it is, ma'am, but a fetus would be seperate body, technically, not yours. It's the baby's body you'd be offing, not yours." She slapped me. I didn't tell her not to off the rugrat, I was just correcting her faulty statement. I tried to save the situation. I said "Hey babe, you can kill whomever you want. I do it all the time. But how about you and I wine, dine, and boff a bit first, eh?". She just slapped me again! I swear, you can't win with women. Whatever you say, pro or con, it's always the wrong thing.

What a day.... I called my shrink to tell her about it and she just said I was an insensitive prick. I told her that was absurd and that I even took herbal suppliments to have extra enhanced sensitivity, but she just hung up on me. Women... they're all crazy.

A grim Grim,


Blogger david raphael israel said...

me likes.


2:49 AM  

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