Another day in Sheol

The journal of the Grim Reaper, aka Death.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Better PR?

It's been brought to my attention that perhaps all I really need is a good slogan. Maybe that would turn my occupational malaise around a bit, as well as improving my public image.

This was reccomended to me:
"Death, aint I a bitch"
- - - I like it, but, I found "bitch" a little imasculating

Then I came up with these:
Death, just what the Dr ordered (Kevorkian, that is)
Death, sure as taxes but I only get ya once.
Death, the man in black.
Death, the other white meat.
The Reapster: Dead sexy
Brotha Grim, one smooth motha f- whatch your mouth!
the real Grim shady, your #1 lady killer
Death, I walk softly and carry a big sythe
Death, bad to the bones
The bloke in the cloak
Darth Grimwalker -who's your daddy?
Life sucks. Got death?

I don't know. None of them really strike me. Any suggestions???


Blogger Andy N. said...

Hey dude, I dig the trailer for your short flick: "Death: coming soon to a person near you", and appreciated allowing my mom to be comatose before you took her. She'd been through enough.

Say, what do you make of the Revelation 6 stuff, where the pale horse is given power to kill with death? I mean, like wow - how will you handle all the paperwork from that? Got data entry minions?

Hey, see ya around!

4:04 PM  
Blogger IanBradley said...

This was the most hilarious thing I have come across in a long time. If I am missing some greater metaphor and my finding it humorous is insulting then I'm sorry. But... wow... my gut hurts. Thank you.

12:02 AM  
Blogger IanBradley said...

I went on and read the first few, and I wanna say thank you again, but for different reasons.

P.S.: The Elvis one. Brilliant.

12:19 AM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

Thanks, Sir Bradley. I really don't get many comments on this site, so I eventually slacked off on writing it. I guess my humor is a bit too dark for most people's tastes. I'm glad to know that someone got a laugh out of it. :)

4:51 PM  
Blogger IanBradley said...

Ohh did I ever. I suggest to you the book Mort. Terry Pratchet. If you haven't already of course. Oh and by the by, thanks for stopping in at the Lounge.
"ANTicdotes" hehehe, wonderful. I invite you to muddle through the rest of the chapters, I would be delighted to hear your opinions.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Kirsten said...

Though I like your attempt at better
PR it is emasculating not imasculating.

I have been inspired by Death to Crochet cute lil Reapers.

5:08 PM  

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